Medical Interpreting Course
Medical interpreters are in great demand both in person and remotely by video or phone. Interpreters can elect to work for a hospital, school, or state agency, or as contractors with many agencies throughout the country. They can also elect to work remotely from home where they can work independently and make their own hours.
Open to all languages, this 60-hour program provides working knowledge of medical interpreting, including standards of practice, ethics, HIPAA regulations, cultural competency, and medical terminology/vocabulary. The course provides intense practice via oral role plays on a variety of medical topics. The student will also be introduced to VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) and OPI (Over the Phone Interpreting). Offered in collaboration with TransFluenci EDU, this course is designed for those preparing for entry-level careers as medical interpreters as well as for working interpreters preparing for the National Board Certificate exam.
Students must be fully bilingual and must be fluent in English and one other language. This program meets the National Board for Medical Interpreter Certification training requirement and prepares you to pass the national certification exam. Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive a certificate of completion from the college and may elect to apply for national certification. Certification fees are not included.
Students must possess a high school diploma or equivalent. Because a language assessment is required, students must register at least two weeks in advance.
Online Legal Interpreting for Depositions, Due Process Hearings and Unemployment Hearings
This 48-Hour class is open to all language interpreters who would like to expand their interpreting skills in legal settings. The course will cover the most in-demand types of hearings such as Due Process Hearings, Unemployment Hearings, and Depositions. Students will learn legal terminology and procedural protocols needed to interpret for these various types of hearings. In addition, students will have the opportunity for intense practice through mock hearings. These mock hearings will give the students the experience and comfort-level needed to apply for work in the field. Trained legal interpreters are in demand throughout Massachusetts and nationwide in law offices, schools, state agencies and contracting agencies.
Prerequisite: Students must provide a certificate of completion for a minimum of 40 hours of interpreter training or a letter from your employer confirming a minimum of 3 years experience as a working interpreter in any setting. Students must possess a high school diploma or equivalent. Please register early as a brief telephone interview will be required before acceptance into the course.
Video and Phone Remote Interpreting
Calling Interpreters of all Languages! If you speak a second language, you can work from home and make your own hours. There is a tremendous amount of work available for Remote Interpreters–both phone and video–throughout the country.
Offered in partnership with TransFluenci EDU, this 30-hour class meets twice a week for 5 weeks. Students will learn the ins and outs of remote interpreting which includes both video and over the phone (VRI and OPI). Students will learn how to set up their offices and computers to accept assignments from a number of companies who are actively searching for interpreters of all languages. The class will cover Medical and Legal Standards of Practice, ethics, HIPAA and intense practice sessions and simulations using a variety of platforms on a wide variety of topics, such as Medical Encounters, Depositions, Unemployment Hearings, Educational Hearings and Meetings such as IEP meetings, and Due Process Hearings.
In addition to intense classroom simulated practice, our instructor will provide advice on best practices, how to apply for assignments, and what to expect as compensation. Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive a certificate of completion from the college.
Pre-requisite: Students must provide a certificate of completion for a minimum of 40 hours of interpreter training or a letter from your employer confirming a minimum of 2 years’ experience as a working interpreter in any setting. Students must possess a high school diploma or equivalent. Please register early as a brief telephone interview will be required before acceptance into the course.