Arts and Culture at MassBay
The arts and culture have a strong foothold at MassBay. In addition to student clubs and organizations,
The arts and culture have a strong foothold at MassBay. In addition to student clubs and organizations,
The Wellesley Symphony Orchestra (WSO) has been the Orchestra-in-Residence at MassBay Community College since 1984. Many well known names in Boston musical circles have been associated with the WSO over the years, including Arthur Fiedler, who led the orchestra in 1958 to mark its 10th anniversary. Narrators over the years have included Joan Kennedy, Liz Walker, William Bulger, Dixie Whatley, and Nora Hussey.
Check their website for this season’s Concert Schedule and ticket prices. Each concert takes place at 3 p.m. in the John McKenzie Auditorium on the Wellesley Hills campus, and most feature a pre-concert talk at 2:15 p.m. Tickets are free to all MassBay staff, faculty, and students.
The WSO presents six concerts a season from September through May, including a holiday concert in December and a Family concert in March. The WSO also presents informal family outreach events at local libraries through the season to showcase classical, live, music and teach about the joy in making music together.
Founded in 1948 as the Wellesley Community Orchestra, the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra was the brainchild of Wellesley residents: BSO violinist Rolland Tapley and Mrs. William Vogler. Maestro Tapley served as music director and conductor for nearly 30 years, offering three or four concerts each season, including a Pops Concert and a Youth Concert. Performances were held in various locations in Wellesley, Littleton and Framingham. Mr. Tapley retired in 1973 and was succeeded by Robert J. Prins (1972-1991), Michael Webster (1992-1993), and Max Hobart (1993-2021). Mark Latham was appointed in June 2022.