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Central Processing Technology (CPT) Certificate

The Central Processing Technology program is a one-semester certificate that prepares students for the national certification exam to become a CRST (Certified Registered Central Service Technician) and employment in the Central Services Department of a healthcare facility.  Central Service is the “Hub” of the medical care environment, and the CRST provides key services to all departments, other healthcare professionals and patients in areas of materials management and with sterilizing and packaging surgical instruments. CRSTs assume an important role in patient care by preventing infections and the spread of disease. 

Central Processing

Program Schedule

Central Processing Technology students attend a lecture and laboratory session on campus one night a week for six weeks (fall and spring semesters)/four weeks (summer session) before beginning their clinical rotation at a healthcare facility.  The clinical rotation will be at least three sessions per week, either days or evenings.   Through this 200-hour practicum, students will become familiar with the central services of a hospital. Students continue to attend laboratory sessions for the duration of the semester for hands-on skills practice in a safe, supportive environment. This program is offered in the fall and spring semesters and in the 10-week summer session.

Program Objectives

Successful graduates of this program will be able to: 

1. Communicate and advocate for patient safety as a member of a multi-disciplinary team. 

2. Provide and implement quality assurance monitors.

3. Apply federal and regulatory agency recommendations within the central services environment.

4. Demonstrate accountability for preparation and delivery of medical instruments within the surgical suite environment.

5. Adhere to infection control requirements, with emphasis on microbiological principles and ethical practices. 

6. Maintain a professional demeanor by remaining calm and focused in a stressful environment and demanding field.

Certification and Employment

This program is designed to prepare graduates to sit for the national certification exam from the HSPA (Healthcare Sterile Processing Association). Employment opportunities are expected to grow at a rate of 9% through 2032 according to the U.S. Department of Labor. CRSTs may work in a number of different medical settings, including general hospitals, public health clinics, private doctors’ offices, and specialized surgical centers.

Program Requirements

CPT students are required to submit health and immunization records in accordance with Massachusetts law and the College's clinical affiliation agencies. Students must also clear the CORI and SORI criminal history checks in order to be eligible for clinical placement.

What is a Central Processing Technician (CPT)?

Central Service is the “Hub” of the medical care environment involving supplies and equipment needed for surgery and other patient care areas. The CPT provides key services to all departments, other healthcare professionals and patients in the areas of materials management and with sterilizing and packaging surgical instruments. CPT’s assume an important role in patient care by preventing infections and the spread of disease. CPTs may work in a number of different medical settings, including general hospitals, public health clinics, private doctors’ offices, and specialized surgical centers. CPT’s also ensure that sufficient supplies of surgical needles, scalpels, and other surgical accessories are present in the operating room. 

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What is MassBay’s Central Processing Technology (CPT) Certificate Program?

The CPT program consists of instruction in the basic sciences, medical terminology, instrumentation, sterilization, decontamination, disinfection, materials management and infection control. Throughout the program, there will be a weekly evening lecture and laboratory. The lab will be on campus, hands-on practice sessions to develop the skills and techniques required in performing various activities competently and safely in the central services areas. Through this practicum experience, you will become familiar with the central services of a hospital. The clinical practice is 200 hours and will be coordinated by the instructor at the college. It will take place in a hospital or ambulatory surgical setting throughout the greater Boston metropolitan area.  New students are accepted into the program on a rolling admission basis.

Central Processing

What Makes Central Processing Technology a good career choice?

  • Short-term Training: MassBay program is only one semester long, including both lecture and lab/clinical practice.
  • Good Pay: Typical entry-level wage is approximately $16 to $20/hr. Median wage is approximately $18/hr (50% of CPTs earn less than this number, 50% earn more).
  • Room for Advancement: A CPT can move up to become a CPT II, then CPT III, and can advance to become a Supervisor or Manager.
  • Typical job benefits include medical and other insurance, 401(k) retirement savings plan, and some employers offer tuition reimbursement.


This course is based on the Healthcare Sterile Processing Association (HSPA) training requirements and will prepare students to sit for the certification exam and receive Provisional Certification.

What is Provisional Certification?

Provisional Certification is attained when applicants choose to take the CRCST exam before they have completed their 400 hours of hands-on experience. It is NOT an exemption from the hands-on experience requirement. Whenever possible, applicants should complete their hands-on requirement before taking their CRCST exam. Doing so eliminates the risk of having to retake the exam if the hours requirement cannot be completed on time. Additionally, the experience is often very beneficial in helping applicants to better understand the key concepts and skills needed to excel in Central Service and on the certification exam. Individuals who attain provisional certification have six months in which to complete and submit documentation of their hands-on experience. If the experience is not completed and documented within the allotted six month period, the certification will be revoked and the individual will need to retest in order to regain certification. Applicants who attain provisional certification have 6 months to complete their hands-on experience component and submit proof of that to IAHCSMM Headquarters. If that is not completed in 6 months, the certification will be revoked and the person will need to retake the certification exam.


If you have any questions, please attend an upcoming health program information session. Check out the Info Session schedule. Or, contact Admissions at 508-279-4059 or