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Transfer Advising

MassBay Community College is committed to assisting students in furthering their education beyond the Associate Degree. We have great resources to help students make informed choices regarding their academic plan. Our goal is to make your transition to another institution as smooth as possible. Use this website as a guide to your transfer process. Students are encouraged to explore this website prior to making an advising appointment. Our Academic Advising, Coaching & Transfer staff are prepared to answer questions, make appropriate referrals, and assist you in reaching your 4-year transfer goals.

Contact Us

Please visit our site often for updates on transfer opportunities and for information about transfer events on campus. If you would like to speak with an advisor that specializes in transfer, please contact us:

Wellesley Campus
First Floor, Room 113
Phone: 781-239-2775

College and University Transfer Visitis happen monthly, sometimes weekly! Check the STUDENT EVENTS CALENDAR to find out more!

STEM, engineering

What is MassTransfer?

MassTransfer is the transfer that program connects Community College students to Massachusetts State Universities and the University of Massachusetts campuses. MassTransfer consists of the following:

  • MassTransfer
  • MassTransfer ATA (Alternative Transfer Agreements)
  • MassTransfer Education Transfer Compact
  • MassTransfer Block
  • MassTransfer Associate Degree Programs

For information about transferring credit into MassBay Community College, please consult our Transcript Evaluation for Transfer Credit webpage and the Statewide Policy on Community College Transfer Principles →.

Massachusetts State School Transfer Programs Search Tool →

To view all MassTransfer agreements visit: →


MassTransfer Block

The MassTransfer Block is not tied to graduation. Students who complete the 34-credit MassTransfer Block with a 2.0 or higher grade point average will satisfy general education requirements at all 4 year public institutions. Once “the block” is completed, a notation is automatically noted on the student’s official transcript.

This new program was created to simplify varying general education requirements at public 4 year institutions. The block consists of:

  • Freshman English/Composition/Writing (6 credits)
  • Social Sciences (9 credits)
  • Humanities (9 credits)
  • Natural or Physical Sciences (7 credits)
  • Mathematics (3 credits)

Students should meet with the Transfer Counselor or review MassBay Transfer material to ensure appropriate courses are used in each academic category.

MassTransfer Associate Degree

The MassTransfer Associate Degree program guarantees transfer admission to a Bachelor’s degree program at the University of Massachusetts or a Massachusetts State University when students successfully complete an approved Associate Degree program at MassBay.

The following are conditions for participation in MassTransfer:

  • Enrollment in a MassBay degree program that is part of the MassTransfer program.
  • Submission of an Intent to Enroll form and official transcript(s) to the selected four-year institution during the student’s last semester at MassBay.
  • Graduation from an approved program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.

What if my program doesn’t qualify for MassTransfer?

Students that graduate from a non-MassTransfer approved program will have to fill out the regular transfer application for each individual institution. Rest assured preference will still be given to a Community College graduate for admission at four-year public institutions.

MassBay is in the process of creating more programs that qualify for MassTransfer. Students should take time to talk to Academic Deans and Faculty in their division to inquire about additional MassTransfer Programs.

MassBay has also taken the time to create Transfer Agreements with local institutions for many programs that guarantee admissions, tuition discounts, and credit. Please review each agreement for specific transfer benefits.

There are 3 MassTransfer Programs

The traditional MassTransfer program provides students with guaranteed admission pathways to Massachusetts State Universities and University of Massachusetts campuses. Programs must include courses that satisfy the MassTransfer Block. Programs have been thoroughly reviewed to guarantee 60 credits (or more) transferable credit. Upon graduation the student will receive the following benefits based upon their final g.p.a.

Minimum Final GPA Benefits

2.0 GPA
No admission fee or essay. Transfer of 60 credits applied to the bachelor’s degree. Automatic Satisfaction of the general education requirements at the receiving institution.

2.5 GPA
All of the above benefits, plus guaranteed admission

3.0 GPA
All of the above benefits, plus 33% tuition waiver. UMASS Amherst and UMASS Lowell provide 100% tuition waiver.

To utilize this agreement, the student must complete a MassTransfer application and send official transcripts to their selected schools during their final semester at MassBay. A final transcript must be sent after graduation.

MassTransfer Education Compact

The new Education Compact has been moved under the MassTransfer Program. This compact is specifically for Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education majors at MassBay. The compact ensures that students are completing Department of Education course requirements to teach in their selected fields. Students must take and pass the MTEL licensure exam before transferring.

Students will receive all of the benefits listed in the traditional MassTransfer program,and will apply through the same application process. Students are encouraged to speak to their faculty advisor at MassBay regarding transfer options and concerns.

Lorem ipsuNot all programs at Community Colleges will qualify for MassTransfer since many programs don’t have the appropriate courses to satisfy the MassTransfer Block requirement. To address these concerns the MassTransfer ATA agreement has been created.

Programs approved through the MassTransfer ATA program still receive all of the benefits listed above in the traditional MassTransfer program, however the student will not receive the general education wavier. 4 year public institutions will only approve programs through this pathway when a student will receive 60 or more transferable credits. This is where faculty and students will find most STEM program approvals, if they match well with 4 year STEM programs.m dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Commonwealth Commitment is an additional cost-saving program for students who are pushing the A2B aspects of MassTransfer. While the program is only available for certain majors, it is important to start learning about it early.

To participate, sign up for it before you complete 15 credits.

Commonwealth Commitment Interest Form

If you are interested in the program and would want to learn more about it — please fill out the form below.

Commonwealth Commitment Interest Form →

Learn more…

Mass Transfer Program →

Commonwealth Commitment →


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) MassTransfer Commonwealth Commitment →

Please email Karen Akukwe, Coordinator of Transfer Affairs and Articulation, with any questions you have about MassTransfer or Commonwealth Commitment:

Transfer Agreements (Articulation Agreements)

Students are often concerned about how their course will transfer from one institution to the next. Transfer Agreements (commonly referred to as Articulation Agreements) help alleviate these concerns. If a Transfer Agreement is in place, it means that faculty at an outside institution has thoroughly evaluated an academic program from MassBay for approval. Benefits of a transfer agreement commonly include transfer of all college-level course work and/or guaranteed admission.

Students seeking to transfer a college agreement should print the appropriate summary sheet and include it with their application to the school. If the student applies online, the summary sheet should be mailed in with any other documentation including, personal essays, recommendations, or official transcripts.

Massachusetts State School Transfer Programs Search Tool

Initiation of an Articulation Agreement — whether by internal or external constituents — requires the completion and submission of a Notice of Intent to Pursue an Articulation Agreement. Upon submission, this form will be shared with appropriate parties, such as: Vice President for Academic Affairs, Division Dean, Department Chair, Coordinator of Transfer Affairs & Articulation, etc. It is suggested that all interested parties review the Articulation Guidelines before and during the articulation process. Additional questions can be directed to the Coordinator of Transfer Affairs & Articulation.

The new Education Compact has been moved under the MassTransfer Program. This compact is specifically for Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education majors at MassBay. The compact ensures that students are completing Department of Education course requirements to teach in their selected fields. Students must take and pass the MTEL licensure exam before transferring.

Students will receive all of the benefits listed in the traditional MassTransfer program,and will apply through the same application process. Students are encouraged to speak to their faculty advisor at MassBay regarding transfer options and concerns.