College Classes for High School Students
Supplement your high school studies and get a jumpstart on college with these classes.
Supplement your high school studies and get a jumpstart on college with these classes.
Supplement your high school studies and get a jumpstart on college with these classes. Earn easy-to-transfer college credits and possibly find a career path that interests you. High school students attend classes with the general college student population. For information about MassBay’s online and remote course instruction formats Remote and Online Instruction Infographic (PDF) →
Courses are listed by MassTransfer General Education → category: with a grade of C or higher, credits earned (except where noted) will transfer to any Massachusetts state college, university or UMass campus as the category they are listed under.
High school students pay MassBay’s standard rates for tuition and fees, and follow MassBay’s Academic Calendar
Read the Course Offerings List to check course availability.
PS101 Introduction to Psychology Attendance combined with general college student population. This course is designed to provide a basic understanding of human behavior. General topics will include the history of psychology, research, human growth and development, biological processes of behavior, sensation and perception, consciousness, learning, memory, motivation, intelligence, and personality development. In addition, the course explores a brief introduction to abnormal behavior and current therapies.
MassTransfer GenEd Foundation requires 9 credits
AR101 History & Appreciation of Art Attendance combined with general college student population. A study of painting, sculpture, and architecture from the prehistoric period through the 15th-century Italian Renaissance. Includes Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Christian Art; Giotto, Donatello, Brunelleschi, Raphael, and Leonardo da Vinci. Emphasis given to understanding changes in major styles, the role of the artist, and the relationship of Fine Arts to social-cultural trends.
HU120 World Traditions Attendance combined with general college student population. Comparative analysis of global cultural practices and assessment of their impact within a multicultural environment. Examines the origins and sustenance of ritual practices within postmodern society.
LI104 Children's Literature Attendance combined with general college student population. Designed for Early Childhood Education majors, this course is appropriate for any student. Through exposure to a wide range of children’s books, authors and illustrators, students will develop an understanding of the importance of children’s literature in the early childhood education classroom. Students will gain abilities in evaluating the quality of children’s books and making appropriate selections for young children, acquire a repertoire of effective techniques for using children’s literature effectively in the classroom and learn ways that children’s literature can develop literacy.
CS106 Security Awareness Attendance combined with general college student population. This course provides a basic survey of data, computer, internet, and wireless security. The security principles of confidentiality, integrity and availability are introduced as well as threats and attacks that undermine these principles. This course introduces students to the steps taken to secure data and information and the liability of individuals and organizations as it relates to data confidentiality and integrity. Other security topics, such as securing personal information, identifying incidents, and computer ethics, are also covered. Lecture/Lab: 2 hours per week.
MG101 Principles of Management Attendance mixed with general college student population. Integrates traditional and behavioral approaches to management. Managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Apply decision-making, leadership, communication, coordination, delegation, and authority-responsibility relationships. Appreciation of the technical and conceptual aspects of organizational thinking. Selected case studies and contemporary examples used to illustrate the application of management principles.
MK103 Principles of Marketing Attendance mixed with general college student population. Examines contemporary marketing principles, concepts, and managerial practices. Studies the marketing environment, consumer behavior, marketing, research, and information systems. Analyzes the marketing mix in terms of product planning and development, distribution management, pricing strategies, and promotional practices. Focuses attention on the social and legal responsibilities of marketing and consumerism. Examines the nature and importance of international and global marketing. Case problems and current issues are discussed and analyzed.
Electives typcially transfer, but not as GenEd Foundation requirements