MassBay Distinguished Alumni Award 2011
Dr. Todd J. Leach became the fourth president of Granite State College on July 1, 2010. An innovative academician, leader, and visionary, Dr. Leach's first 100 days as president were punctuated with perceptive strategy creation and bold visioning. Under the leadership of its new president, Granite State College has begun launching a variety of exciting initiatives aimed at advancing the College's mission and fueling record growth.
Prior to serving as President at Granite State College, Dr. Leach was the Senior Associate Dean of the College of Professional Studies at Northeastern University, where he served as the Chief Academic Officer, overseeing both graduate and undergraduate offerings and leading the development and implementation of more than twenty masters and doctorate degree programs, as well as overseeing Northeastern Online. He also served as Executive Director of Northeastern University's School of Education graduate programs and designed curriculum for international programs in Australia and Sin gapo re. Dr. Leach was an Associate Professor at Lasell College, where he was the Director of Business Programs and the Director of the Yamawaki Program, and where he served as Chair of the Faculty and Chair of the Curriculum Committee.
Dr. Leach holds a Ph.D. from Northeastern University, an MBA from Bentley University, a B.S. from Worcester State College, and an A.S. from MassBay Community College. In addition, he has more than two decades of experience as a leader and faculty member . Dr. Leach has presented at numerous national and international conferences on the subjects of distance learning and professional education. He serves on the University System of New Hampshire Board of Trustees and is one of New Hampshire's Commissioners of Post-secondary Education.