MassBay Distinguished Alumni Award 2012
For nearly a half century, the Juliani family has supported the mission and vision of MassBay Community College. In 1963 Felix Juliani, Daniel's father, served as a member of the College's founding Advisory Committee. He later served with distinction for five years as Chairman of the Board of Trustees and was elected Chairman Emeritus.
Given his father 's involvement, it was perhaps not a surprise that Daniel Juliani chose to attend MassBay, graduating with an associate degree in 1973 before completing his bachelor at Northeastern University's Forsyth Dental Center in 1976. After a twenty-year career as a dental hygienist, Mr. Juliani changed careers and is now a successful property manager and insurance broker and the Vice President of Deland and Gibson Insurance Agency.
Throughout his career, Daniel Juliani has been generous with his time in the Wellesley community. His activities range from coaching youth soccer to serving on Town Meeting, and as President of the Wellesley Rotary Club. He also finds time to involve himself at his alma mater as a member of the MassBay Foundation Board of Directors. He served as Chairman and currently is Chair of the Foundation Finance and Audit Committee.
Daniel Juliani serves as an example for MassBay alumni. Dedicated to his community and proud of his academic tenure at MassBay, Mr. Juliani is a passionate proponent of MassBay. A Lifetime Member of the Alumni Association, Mr. Juliani has built on the family legacy, making a lasting mark on educational accessibility and student success at MassBay.
Dan lives with his wife, Kenna, and their three daughters in Wellesley.