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You can start college early!

MassBay offers a variety of ways for high school students (grades 9-12) to engage in college coursework through Dual Enrollment. The Massachusetts Commonwealth Dual Enrollment Partnership (CDEP) provides opportunities for Massachusetts high school students to take college-level courses for free and earn credit toward high school completion and their future college degrees.

Students Outside

Two Types of Dual Enrollment

MassBay offers a variety of ways for high school students (grades 9-12) to engage in college coursework through Dual Enrollment. The Massachusetts Commonwealth Dual Enrollment Partnership (CDEP) provides opportunities for Massachusetts high school students to take college-level courses for free and earn credit toward high school completion and their future college degrees.

MassBay Community College is offering FREE college-level courses this spring for juniors and seniors only at our identified partner high schools: Bellingham, Brookline, Framingham, Hopkinton, Keefe, Medway, Milford, Millis, Natick, Needham, and Waltham.

Students who are attending high school in other towns may sign up for any class at MassBay and receive college credits on completion, but they will need to pay full price for the course.

Traditional Dual Enrollment Application Form

Qualified high school and home school students may (with permission of local school or district) receive college and high school credits for their course work.  You will pay standard tuition and fees.  If you are a Traditional Dual Enrollment student please sign up through MassBay.

Applications due by December 27, 2024

Course Offerings

 If you are taking free classes through your school you will work with your guidance office to sign up. If you want more choices, you may apply to be a Traditional Dual Enrollment student and take any class you have satisfied the pre-requisites for.

Dual Enrollment High School for High School Students | Requirements

  1. Candidate must be a Massachusetts resident.
  2. Candidate must be currently enrolled in grade 9–12 in a Massachusetts public secondary school or non-public school, including home school.
  3. Candidate must submit the Dual Enrollment Application and Agreement. See below.
  4. Candidate must have at least a 2.5 cumulative high school GPA on a 4-point scale.
  5. Candidate must take MassBay placement tests and place into college level math and English courses (with course numbers 100 or higher). May not be required for Partner High School Dual Enrollment—please check with your guidance counselor.
  6. Candidate must enroll in college-level courses.
  7. Candidates enrolling in 9 or more credits in a semester must meet our immunization requirements in order to attend on-campus classes.
  8. Candidate must submit the Dual Enrollment Application and Agreement

CDEP Local High School Registration Form

If you are taking free classes through your school you will sign up with your counselor.

Classes will be held after school or fully online from January 21, 2025 – May 18, 2025

CDEP Classes

Drugs and Society | Fully Online — No scheduled class meetings

Criminal Justice | MassBay Framingham Campus |Tuesdays, 6:00-8:45pm

Critical Thinking | MassBay Wellesley Campus | Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:00-5:30pm

Health Careers Exploration | MassBay Framingham Campus. This course will meet in-person on select Thursdays: 1/23, 2/6, 2/27, 3/13, 3/27, 4/10, and 5/8, from 6:00-9:00pm | The rest of the course is online.

Marketing | MassBay Framingham Campus, Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:30-5:00pm

Nutrition | Fully Online — No scheduled class meetings

Questions About Dual Enrollment

Traditional Dual Enrollment at Massachusetts Bay Community College (MassBay) allows qualified high school and home school students to enroll in college courses. Participating students may (with permission of local school or district) receive college and high school credits for their course work. As a Dual Enrollment student, you may register for a full-time or part-time schedule.  Questions about Traditional Dual Enrollment?  Contact Luz Castro,, 508-270-4020.

Partner High School Dual Enrollment

Partner High School Dual Enrollment is a special dual enrollment program offered using Commonwealth Dual Enrollment Program (CDEP) funding for participating high schools and is free for those students who qualify and participate. T If you attend one of these partner schools the college courses are predetermined in consultation with the High School and offered in a cohort delivery method.  Questions about Partner High School Dual Enrollment? Please have your school counselor contact MassBay at

The Massachusetts Commonwealth Dual Enrollment Partnership (CDEP) provides opportunities for Massachusetts high school students to take college-level courses for free and earn credit toward high school completion and their future college degrees.

MassBay Community College is offering FREE college-level courses this spring for juniors and seniors only at our identified partner high schools: Bellingham, Brookline, Framingham, Hopkinton, Keefe, Medway, Milford, Millis, Natick, Needham, and Waltham.

Enrollment Process Overview

  1. Complete and submit MassBay dual enrollment application and agreement by the published deadline.
  2. Take placement testing at MassBay (Required for all Traditional Dual Enrollment students)
  3. Make an appointment to meet with Dual Enrollment Coordinator at MassBay
  4. Review test scores
  5. Select classes (students must meet appropriate course pre-requisites)
  6. Register for class(es)
  7. Pay Tuition and Fees (Partner High School Dual Enrollment will be covered by CDEP funding)
  8. Purchase text books
  9. Begin Classes
  10. Submit grades to your high school at the end of the semester
  11. Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA at MassBay


Traditional Dual Enrollment students will be charged standard MassBay tuition and fees. Students are responsible for paying tuition and fees in advance of the start of each semester, and must comply with standard payment policies of the College.