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Enrollment Changes and Withdrawals

Please keep in mind that students must start attendance in each of their registered courses for which they are awarded financial aid. If a student does not initially attend their course, then the financial aid awarded to cover the cost of that course will be reduced.

Withdraw Photo

Census Dates and Enrollment Changes

  • The Financial Aid Census Date is the point at which a student’s enrollment status is locked for financial aid purposes. This is the date the MassBay Financial Aid Office takes a "snapshot" of students' enrollment to establish the "official enrollment" for reporting purposes and financial aid eligibility.
  • At this point in the term, credit hours are locked and financial aid for the term is adjusted to reflect the student's enrolled credits that are eligible to receive financial aid.
  • A student’s Financial Aid Census Date is one calendar day after the latest add/drop date for which the student is enrolled. Students may find add/drop dates by viewing the academic calendar.
  • Financial Aid students will have a Financial Aid Census Date determined each semester of enrollment.
  • Enrollment changes between sessions after a student has originally enrolled may have an impact on the student’s Financial Aid Census Date due to the change in the add/drop periods.
  • If the student increases or decreases their credit load BEFORE the Financial Aid Census Date, their financial aid may be adjusted, as appropriate, for their enrollment level. If the student’s financial aid is reduced and it creates a balance due on their student account, the student will be responsible for payment.
  • If the student increases or decreases their credit load AFTER the Financial Aid Census Date, the student’s financial aid WILL NOT be adjusted.
  • Students should contact the MassBay Financial Aid Office before increasing or decreasing credits to learn if it will impact their financial aid award. This office is happy to assist you with this information which will result in the student making an informed decision.
  • MassBay adjusts awards potentially 3 times a semester, as required by federal law, based on your enrollment as of a specific date at the end of each add/drop period that applies to a student’s schedule.

Understanding the Impact of Withdrawing on Financial Aid

Federal Student Aid (FSA), also referred to as Title IV funding, is provided with the expectation that students will complete their enrolled courses for the designated semester or payment period. If a student discontinues attendance, whether officially or unofficially, it can affect their eligibility for the full amount of financial aid initially awarded.

Financial aid is distributed based on the principle that it's earned proportionally to the duration of attendance. This means that students who withdraw early receive less aid compared to those who withdraw later in the semester.

Other impacts of Withdrawing Financial Aid

If a student never begins attending classes, any awarded financial aid will be canceled.

  • If a student withdraws after beginning attendance, the amount of aid earned must be determined. If the disbursed amount exceeds the earned amount, the excess funds must be returned to federal and state programs. Likewise, if the disbursed amount is less than the earned amount, the student may be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement of the remaining earned aid.
  • Upon withdrawal, MassBay is required to calculate the earned portion of financial aid based on the percentage of days completed in the semester or payment period. 
  • Students who received federal and state aid may be obligated to repay unearned portions following withdrawal.
  • Following the recalculation process, students will be notified of any revised award amounts via their MassBay email. It's the student's responsibility to settle any outstanding balances owed to the institution. Failure to do so may result in registration holds.
  • Reduced loan disbursements will be returned to the U.S. Department of Education, thereby decreasing the student's overall debt.

We strongly encourage students to seek counseling from the MassBay Financial Aid Office before withdrawing. This ensures informed decisions regarding the potential financial impact, and we're here to assist throughout the process.