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MassBay Director of Academic and Transfer Advising

Sarah Salerno

Sarah Salerno

Sarah Salerno

Sarah Salerno

MassBay Community College’s Director of Academic and Transfer Advising, Sarah Salerno, grew up in the Wellesley where MassBay’s main campus is located. After receiving her master’s degree from Suffolk University, she landed a job at MassBay.

In her current role, she’s responsible for growing and developing her staff’s skills and resources so that MassBay students have all the tools, resources, and technologies needed to help them progress through their programs to reach their degrees. Advising takes a holistic approach to support students as they work to meet their goals.

MassBay has one of the higher transfer rates to four-year colleges in the state, which speaks to the engaged and dedicated Advising Center staff. They help students understand that there are alternate pathways to get into four-year schools and that starting their education at their local community college is one of the best ways to accomplish this.

MassBay also offers certificate programs for students to take as a stepping stone to work in new career fields. The Academic and Transfer Advising Center now assists an ever-growing population of people who are looking to either change careers, start fresh, or who have no work background and want to join the workforce. The Advising Center discusses with them their strengths, interests, goals, what they’re passionate about, and what would make them happy.

Sarah is inspired to come to work every day, and work with her team who genuinely care about the amazing MassBay students. Some students begin their education not knowing why they’re even at the college, but eventually do decide what they want to do and forge full steam ahead. Sarah’s favorite day of the year is commencement because she sees so much positivity, students hugging each other, their faculty, and staff members. She’s proud and happy that the students she’s been working with for years are ready to take their next steps.