If you answered YES to one or more of these questions, read on to learn more about our popular program options!
Carlos Oviedo
Alumni | From MassBay biotechnology with Dr. Nirmal Singh to Broad Institute
Dr. Nirmal Singh, Ph.D.
Faculty | Chair of Biotechnology, founding Director of Center for Therapeutics and Genomics Training at MassBay
Marina Bograd
Faculty | Engineering Projects, STEM Expo, Mentor for scholarships with Northeastern University
Meredith Watts
Faculty | Mathematics, from STEM Starter Academy to Calculus
Sanoli Sano
Alumni | From MassBay Engineering and STEM Mentor Program to Tufts University
Shamsi Moussavi
Faculty | Computer Science professor, founder of Center for Cybersecurity Education
Shatki Katheria
Alumni | Raised in India, came to MassBay and now Test Engineer at Raytheon