Bookstore vouchers are calculated by totaling all approved sources of financial aid and deducting all outstanding tuition and fee charges. This amount is not a separate award, and the value of the bookstore voucher is subject to change based upon adjustments to financial aid eligibility, enrollment and tuition and fee charges. The maximum authorization for a bookstore voucher is $1000.00 dollars for full time students or $500 for half time or part time students. If your financial aid is reduced or cancelled, you are responsible for payment of all bookstore charges made against the bookstore voucher authorization and until these charges are paid in full a hold will be placed on your student account.Watch your MassBay email for a message from the Student Accounts Office prior to the start of the semester letting you know that your book voucher is available for use.
For instructions on how to complete the Title IV Authorization /Bookstore Voucher Form, and for additional information on the sources of federal aid that qualify for the book store voucher, please visit the Bookstore Voucher Page.