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What is iCREAT?

iCREAT: introduction to Coding, Robotics, Electronics And Technology
iCREAT is an NSF funded collaborative project between MassBay Community College (MassBay) and Boston College. Two interdisciplinary courses were developed and taught since Summer 2016 at MassBay to high school students during the summer and community college students during the academic year. The goal of the courses was to introduce high school students, largely underrepresented in STEM, to a variety of computer science and engineering topics in a hands-on, project-based sequence. Throughout this sequence students work on creating a micromouse-like (iCREAT I) and telepresence (iCREAT II) robots while exploring topics such as the project design process, electronics, CAD/CAM, programming, networking and cyber security. Students are encouraged to work as part of a team and collaborate in the design, review, implementation and presentation of their unique final projects.

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