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Summer Classes, Online and In-Person

Earn college credits in just six weeks! Whether you are planning to take a class or two to transfer credits to your college or university, or get started on a new degree, MassBay’s summer courses give you the flexibility you need at the right price. Make the most of your summer at MassBay!

Students on grass

Payment Information

Please be sure to review our payment information. Financial aid is not available for students who are not enrolled in a degree or certificate program. If you are a college student already, you cannot receive federal aid at more than one school.

Dates for Summer Sessions 2025

Session 1: May 19-June 27, 2025
Session 2: May 19-July 25, 2025
Session 2: July 7-August 15, 2025

Summer Session 2025 Academic Calendar

Taking a few classes for college credit?

There is no need to submit an application if you are planning to just take a few classes for college credit rather than earning a degree from MassBay. You can simply choose your classes and submit a Registration Form. Placement Testing is required before registering for a math or English class. Sign up for Placement Testing. If the class you want to enroll in requires proof of completion of a pre/co-requisite, please submit a registration form along with a copy of your unofficial transcript. Your unofficial transcript must state your name and the name of your school.

Planning to start your MassBay degree in the summer?