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Math Accuplacer Test Prep Workshops Online

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Math Placement Test workshops provide information about taking the Math Placement Test and the scoring process. Facilitators will review basic math skills by going through step-by-step explanations of how to solve practice questions.

AIM 2 math

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Math Placement Test workshops provide information about taking the Math Placement Test and the scoring process. Facilitators will review basic math skills by going through step-by-step explanations of how to solve practice questions. There are four separate workshops available for students to review online: Introduction to the Accuplacer Process, Arithmetic, Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics (QAS), and Advanced Algebra and Functions (AAF).

If you have any questions about the process or need to meet with a learning specialist for one-on-one help, contact the Academic Achievement Center



  1. Introduction to the Accuplacer Process
  2. Arithmetic Workshop — Frank Giron, Learning Specialist
  3. Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics (QAS) Workshop — Orland Fernandes, Learning Specialist
  4. Advanced Algebra and Functions (AAF) Workshop — Michael Smolowitz, Learning Specialist
Frank Giron

Frank Giron, Learning Specialist, Arithmetic Workshop

Frank received his B.A. in Geology from Pomona College in 2012 and his M.S. in Statistical Practice from Boston University in 2017. Throughout his time at Boston University, Frank worked as a teaching assistant for calculus and statistics courses. He has participated as both a teaching assistant and instructor in college and high school programs that include Options Through Education (OTE) and Noonan Scholars. Currently, he is a Math Learning Specialist at MassBay Community College in the Academic Achievement Center.

Arithmetic Workshop

ACCUPLACER Arithmetic Practice Questions

Here are 12 practice problems that you can try on your own, to make sure you’re comfortable with these topics. The answers are on the last page.

If you’d like help with any specific problem, you can watch that problem’s short video that explains in detail how to solve it.

Then try the practice test!

Arithmetic Practice Questions

Accuplacer Arithmetic Practice Test

Orland Fernandes

Orland Fernandes, Learning Specialist, QAS Workshop

Orland received his B.S. Degree in Chemistry from the University of Salford (England) and his Master’s in Education from Eastern Nazarene College. He started his career in education in Ghana, West Africa. He taught physics in the Boston Public School system in the early 1990’s. Also, he taught teaching study skills at Roxbury Community College in The Teaching Learning Center. Currently, he is an adjunct faculty member at MassBay Community College and Roxbury Community College. He is also a Math and Science Learning Specialist at MassBay.

Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics Test (QAS) Workshop

ACCUPLACER QAS Practice Questions

Here are 12 practice problems that you can try on your own, to make sure you’re comfortable with these topics. The answers are on the last page.

If you’d like help with any specific problem, you can watch that problem’s short video that explains in detail how to solve it.

Then try the practice test!

Michael Smolowitz

Michael Smolowitz, Learning Specialist, AAF Workshop

Michael earned his B.S. in Mathematics from Cornell University. He continued his studies and received his Master’s Degree in Computer Science from the University of Buffalo. He has worked in industry as a software engineer at Raytheon and Comverse. In 2003, he began teaching math courses as an adjunct faculty member. He continues to teach as an adjunct faculty member and Math Learning Specialist at the MassBay Community College in the Academic Achievement Center.

Advanced Algebra and Functions Test (AAF) Workshop

ACCUPLACER AAF Practice Questions

Here are 12 practice problems that you can try on your own, to make sure you’re comfortable with these topics. The answers are on the last page.

If you’d like help with any specific problem, you can watch that problem’s short video that explains in detail how to solve it.

Then try the practice test!

AAF Practice Questions

Accuplacer AAF Practice Test

Advanced Algebra and Functions (AAF) Solution/Help Videos

When you click on a video link, the video will open in another window.

Advanced Algebra and Functions Intro Video (mp4)