Steps to Get Started
STEP 1: Find five or more students registered for classes at MassBay who would like to start a club with you.
STEP 2: Create a constitution for your organization (a fill-in-the-blank constitution above)
STEP 3: Find a faculty or staff advisor, have them sign the constitution.
STEP 4: Have the founding members of the club sign the constitution
STEP 5: Create a club list with all members’ names, positions in the club, email, and telephone numbers.
STEP 6: Submit the Start a New Club/Organization Form (see above)
STEP 7: Approval (once approved by the Student Engagement Office), the SGA will approve, deny, or modify your club request and notify you)
***Please note: In order to be on the SGA agenda for that week, all materials must be submitted by Monday at midnight.