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CARES Act Emergency Assistance Grant


As of 5/24/2022, MassBay Community College no longer has CARES funding available.

Massachusetts Bay Community College has signed and returned to the Department of Education, the Certification and Agreement in order to receive funds from the CARES Act. Massbay has reserved at least 50% of the allocated funds to provide student Emergency Financial Aid Grants, under section 18004(a)(1). Emergency grants are available to students to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus. Expenses must fall into one of the Cost of Attendance (COA) categories such as: childcare, transportation, technology, food, healthcare. The table below lists information regarding MassBay’s grant distribution:

Date updated: April 9, 2021

Total amount available for student emergency grants: $887,876

Estimated number of students eligible: 2,805

Total funds awarded to students: $887,876

Total number of students awarded funds: 2,235

Awards are being distributed by three methods:

  1. Application method: Students who have qualifying expenses due to the disruption of campus operations may review the CARES Act Emergency Assistance Grant webpage for information regarding the application process for grant funds. Awards will not exceed $3,000 for a single semester or $6,000 for a lifetime aggregate. Students must meet the following criteria to be eligible.
    1. Criteria:
      1. Be currently registered in an Associate or Certificate program;
      2. And have additional eligible expenses due to the disruption of campus operations.
    2. Instructions:
      1. Complete the online application form, located on the CARES Act Emergency Assistance Grant page.
  2. Additional Technology and Utility Formula method: Students will be awarded a $250 CARES Act Emergency Grant if they meet the following criteria. Students receiving this grant may still apply for additional funds through the application method (explained above in (1)), if they have further qualifying expenses due to the disruption of campus operations.
    1. Criteria:
      1. Be currently registered and in good standing;
      2. Must be enrolled in at least one ground-based course, which has been converted to a remote learning format in Spring 2020 or enrolled in any Summer 2020 or Fall 2020 course. Courses must have been in session as of March 13th, 2020, the date of the President’s Proclamation, declaring a National Emergency concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak;
      3. File a FAFSA and meet the student eligibility requirements outlined in federal law Section HEA 484 of Title IV (HEA of 1965).
    2. Instructions:
      1. Eligible students will be identified and awarded according to the criteria section (2)(a); students do not need to self-identify.
  3. Book Shipping Formula method: Students will be awarded a $50 CARES Act Emergency Grant if they meet the following criteria. Students receiving this grant may still apply for additional funds through the application method (explained above in (1)), if they have further qualifying expenses due to the disruption of campus operations.
    1. Criteria:
      1. Be currently registered and in good standing;
      2. Must be enrolled in at least one ground-based course, which has been converted to a remote learning format in Spring 2020 or in a Summer 2020 or Fall 2020 course. Courses must have been in session as of March 13th, 2020, the date of the President’s Proclamation, declaring a National Emergency concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak;
      3. File a FAFSA and meet the student eligibility requirements outlined in federal law Section HEA 484 of Title IV (HEA of 1965).
    2. Instructions:
      1. Eligible students will be identified and awarded according to the criteria section (2)(a); students do not need to self-identify.

Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act Sections 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion, 18004(a)(2), and 18004(a)(3) →