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Welcome to OneCard Student ID!

Wellesley Hills Campus Enrollment Center Room 103G  




 phone:  781.239.2518

If you have submitted a photo to have an ID made, you will receive an email when it is ready.  Please allow 5 business days for your request to be processed.  Pick up your OneCard in Suite 103 on the Wellesley campus during their operating hours, Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm. Please remember that you must present a valid photo ID (drivers license, Mass ID, passport) to receive your OneCard.

OneCards are active for 2 years-you do not need a new one each semester.

Spring 2024 HOURS:


Monday:  REMOTE only

Tuesday:  10am-2pm

Wednesday:  10am-2pm

Thursday:  10am-2pm


What is a OneCard?

The OneCard serves as the official identification card of MassBay Community College and is issued to every credit-bearing student and employee.  It is the property of the College and should be carried at all times. The card is not transferable and altering or lending it will subject the cardholder to disciplinary action.

The OneCard functions as: 

  • basic identification
  • library card
  • requirement for printing or photocopying on campus
  • access pass to the Recreation and Wellness Center
  • ticket for the free campus shuttle 
  • Key to student discounts from off-campus merchants


How to get a OneCard: 

To obtain your OneCard, submit a photo to the OneCard system following these steps:

  1. Sign into your MassBay account.
  2. Click the link: SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO OR ONECARD SERVICE REQUEST to access the GET HELP system.
  3. Find and select the OneCard tile — this will lead you to a form with a drop-down menu of OneCard Services. 
  4. Choose the desired service, fill in the information, and attach your photo.

Photo requirements:

  • forward facing and against a blank background
  • well-lit
  • saved in JPG format with the name: first name, last name (e.g. Jane Doe.jpg)
  • taken within the last six (6) months
  • color photo
  • no sunglasses, hats, hoodies or head coverings (unless worn daily for religious purposes).

Submit your photo or OneCard service request →

Tutorial | how to submit your photo or OneCard service request →


The OneCard is loaded with a $20 credit per semester that can ONLY be used for printing on campus.  If you use all of the allowance you may add value as needed.  Please use the links below to find out how.