Returning Student
Welcome back! We are glad you plan to return.
Your process to return to MassBay depends on how long you have been away from the school and what your situation was when you left.
Welcome back! We are glad you plan to return.
Your process to return to MassBay depends on how long you have been away from the school and what your situation was when you left.
If you have been away from MassBay for less than two years you may not need to reapply. Try logging in to your Bay Navigator account to see if you are still active in the system. If you need assistance, contact the IT Help Desk 24/7: 781-239-24040
If you know you are no longer an active student at MassBay, go ahead and use the MassBay online application to reapply and indicate in the appropriate place that you are a “Readmit.”
Current MassBay students changing their major — or adding a major — must meet with their advisor, who will review current and proposed programs to check for additional credits required. If the program you select has additional selective admissions requirements, attend a special information session for the program.
Returning students have extra time to apply to return: your deadline is at the end of the add/drop period in September, January and May.
A few of our programs do have a secondary selective admissions process — including most of our Health Sciences programs, all of our Automotive Technology programs, and our Direct Support Certificate. If the program you are now interested in has additional selective requirements you may need to re-submit a final high school transcript or high school diploma. You may also need to re-take placement assessments for English and/or math.
Returning students are not required to complete the orientation process: you may meet with an advisor right away to register for classes.
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