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Advising, Coaching, & Transfer

Welcome to the Advising, Coaching and Transfer Center!

We look forward to assisting you. MassBay offers free one-on one academic advising services to all enrolled students. Explore our site and expandable menus below for information on our services.

Transfer student
Image of female student
Returning Students:
  • Must connect with their assigned academic advisor/coach
  • Review holds and To-Do items in BayNavigator
  • Register online via BayNavigator


Students assigned to academic advisor/coach in our center may schedule an appointment in BayBridge. Check our staff listing, and if you are assigned to a member of our team, click here to log into BayBridge.

BayBridge Logo

We recommend that all students complete a FAFSA to qualify for financial aid, including Free Community College.

Image of MassBay student wearing sweatshirt that says Day Dreamer
New Students:
are assigned an advisor/coach after completing:

Your assigned advisor will email your MassBay account regarding next steps, including making an appointment in BayBridge. In BayBridge you'll have the ability to schedule appointments, review advising notes and more!


BayBridge Logo


We recommend that all students complete a FAFSA to qualify for financial aid, including Free Community College.

Advising | Student How-to's

Working with an academic advisor throughout your academic journey at the college is key to your success as a student!

Q: How do I connect with my advisor?

A: Your advisor assignment can be found on the home page of your Bay Navigator account. Please reach out to your assigned academic advisor and schedule an appointment to meet. Your assigned advisor has likely already reached out to you — please check your MassBay email!

Q: What if I don't have an advisor assigned to me?

A: If you are a non-degree seeking student and would like to meet with an advisor, please visit the Advising Center for a drop-in meeting on-campus or in the Virtual Advising Center. If you are a degree or certificate seeking student and you do not have an advisor assignment in BayNavigator or BayBridge please email us at for further assistance.


New Students Must Attend a Ready 2 Register session before selecting classes and receiving an assigned advisor. Students with an assigned advisor should schedule an in-person or virtual appointment with their assigned advisor directly. We provide daily scheduled drop-in hours on the Wellesley Hills Campus in the Advising, Coaching and Transfer Center (Wellesley Hills Campus, Room 111), and in the Virtual Advising Center (VAC).

* Please note, new and returning students will experience longer wait times.
* Please review your To-Do list in BayNavigator before accessing advising.
* Students with required tasks or holds on their account may be referred to other offices before being advised.

Wellesley Drop-In Hours:

Spring 2025:

  • Mondays: 2:00pm until 4:30pm
  • Tuesdays: 2:00pm until 4:30pm
  • Wednesdays: 2:00pm until 4:30pm
  • Thursdays: 2:00pm until 4:30pm
  • Fridays: 2:00pm until 4:30pm

The Virtual Advising Center (VAC) is an online meeting room for students to meet with an advisor one-on-one. Students must use a laptop or desktop computer to utilize the VAC. Please log into your MassBay OneLogin account as well. Once you join the VAC, you'll be greeted by a host and then connect with an available advisor.

New Students must attend a Ready to Register session before selecting classes and receiving an assigned advisor. Students with assigned advisors should schedule an in-person or virtual appointment with their assigned advisor directly.

We look forward to meeting with you. Please note the following:

* Expect long wait times in January, we thank you in advance for your patience.
* Please review your To-Do and holds in BayNavigator before accessing VAC.

VAC Drop-In Hours

Spring 2025:

  • Mondays: 12:00pm until 2:00pm
  • Tuesdays: 10:00am until 2:00pm
  • Wednesdays: 10:00am until 2:00pm
  • Thursdays: 10:00am until 2:00pm
  • Fridays: 10:00am until 2:00pm

To access the VAC: Click on the link below during listed hours. You must be logged into the center 30 minutes before closing). You will first enter a waiting room, and then when the next advisor is available you will join their breakout room. As we strive to meet the needs of all of our students, please expect varying wait times. Please have your MassBay student ID number ready.

Note: To receive the best possible advising experience, we recommend using the link directly above this text. We do not require that you have your camera on.

If these hours do not work for you:

Please email with your name and your MassBay student ID number, and we will be in touch about next steps.

Our colleges in MassBay I.T. have created short up to date video tutorial on the following topics and more!

  • How to Log In to Your Bay Navigator Account
  • How to View Your Class Schedule
  • How to Search for Classes
  • How to Add a Class
  • How to Drop a Class

Important Topics Regarding Transfer Credit:

The Academic Advising Center at MassBay Community College performs Transfer Credit Evaluations for incoming Transfer Students. If you will be a new MassBay student enrolling in one of our degree or certificate programs and wish to apply credit from another college(s) towards your major, please note the process for Transfer Credit Evaluation at MassBay:

  • You must be accepted to the college and have a declared major (degree or certificate program).
  • Request an official (in a sealed envelope) transcript from the registrars of all institutions, or the military, that you previously attended for which you wish to transfer credit.
  • Submit the official transcript(s) to MassBay for Transfer Credit Evaluation. You may have transcripts mailed to:
    MassBay Community College
    Office of the Registrar
    50 Oakland Street
    Wellesley Hills, MA 02481-5307

Or, you may drop them off in the sealed envelope to either the Wellesley Hills or Framingham campus at the Office of the Registrar.

You should submit official transcript(s) at least six (6) weeks prior to the time that you wish to register for upcoming classes to ensure credit is evaluated and posted prior to registration.

Once courses have been officially approved and transferred, they will appear on your MassBay transcript and you will also receive a letter from the Advising Center informing you as to which of your courses transferred in.

  • MassBay only accepts transfer credit from regionally accredited colleges or universities.
  • MassBay accepts military credit from the American Council on Education as it applies to your choice of major.
  • Credits may be transferred in only if they apply to your current major on record, and/or fulfill requirements in the MassTransfer Block.
  • You must have earned a grade of “C-” or better in the course(s) for which you are requesting transfer credit.
  • MassBay will not accept Pass/Fail coursework for transfer credit.
  • A maximum of 75% of the total credits within the degree or certificate program may be earned by transfer credit.
  • Transferred Science and Computer Science courses must have been taken within the last five (5) years.
  • Foreign documents must be translated and evaluated by a credible agency, such as the Center for Educational Documentation →
  • Credit that is accepted according to general college policy is not necessarily acceptable for specific programs of study. This is particularly true in instances where program transfer limits and/or minimum grade requirements are in effect, such as the Health Professions Programs.
  • The college reserves the right to refuse recognition for courses that were taken more than ten years prior to the date that students apply for transfer.
  • Coursework must be represented in credit hours (clock hours will not be converted to MassBay credit hours).

Many of our students have professional or personal experience that may count for applicable credit in their program. While this may vary on a case-by-case basis, we encourage all new students to review our Credit for Prior Learning website for more information on available exams, credentials, and portfolio reviews that may lead to advanced standing in your academic program 

How to Connect with the ACT

Wellesley Hills Campus
Advising, Coaching and Transfer Center
First Floor, Room 111

Phone: 781-239-2775

  • Most phone calls will be returned within 24 hours if a staff member is not available.
  • Please include your full name and ID number when leaving a message. 


  • When emailing out department, please use your MassBay email address and include your name and ID number in the body of the message. Our team will contact you and if necessary, forward your email to the appropriate department.
The Virtual Advising Center (VAC)
  • Is an online meeting room for current students to meet with an advisor one-on-one. While students are encouraged to meet with their assigned advisor, students may connect in the VAC with quick questions or referrals when a full appointment may not be needed.
logo indicating a fresh start in college, book opening with rising sun, sun rays and graduation cap.

Our Mission



The Advising Center staff are committed to assisting all students in the development of meaningful academic plans that are compatible with their academic, career, and life goals. The Center staff guide students from their first contact with the College through graduation and beyond. We introduce incoming students to the opportunities and resources of the College, inform new and returning students of the requirements of academic programs, assist students with the selection of a major and the appropriate courses to ensure academic success, and counsel students regarding transfer opportunities. We strive to help students make the most of their MassBay experience!

Additional Information

As we update our college website, links will change

Offices and Resources

Connect with other department teams for assistance!