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Student Government Association (SGA)

The Student Government Association (SGA) is the governing body at MassBay, open to all students. It represents the student body's official voice and opinions on issues affecting MassBay students. SGA consists of twenty (20) elected students and several volunteers who meet regularly with faculty, staff, and administrators to enhance the student experience. SGA meetings are open to all students, faculty, and staff.

The purpose of this organization is to encourage and facilitate student participation across all campuses in College affairs, to generate and develop ideas for the College community's benefit and growth, and to foster collaboration among students, faculty, and administration. 

Join the Weekly SGA Meetings

SGA will be meeting virtually and in-person in the Wellesley Alumni Board Room on Wednesdays from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM, starting the 2nd week of classes. 

SGA Suggestions

The MassBay Student Government Association values feedback from the student body. Ensuring that our mission aligns with the needs of those we represent is of utmost importance to us. We recognize that not everyone can attend our meetings due to scheduling constraints. Therefore, we have established this suggestion box as a direct channel for you to communicate your ideas to us.

Once you submit your suggestion, a member of the SGA will review it and present it to the committee as a whole. Please provide as much detail as possible with your suggestion to help us effectively advocate for your idea. If further clarification is needed, we may reach out to you.