Please call us for information and/or let us know if you are having any difficulties.
Phone: 781-239-2480
Please call us for information and/or let us know if you are having any difficulties.
Phone: 781-239-2480
The Riverside T Station and Framingham shuttles run from January 21 to May 9, 2025.
MassBay provides free Uber service to registered students from MassBay Wellesley Campus to and from…
Sign Up For the Uber Program
Registration is required to participate in the Uber Program. Rides are free unless you exceed the allowed fare amount. Tipping the Uber driver through the MassBay account is prohibited. If students wish to tip the driver, they must do so through their personal Uber Account. Please allow roughly two hours to process your enrollment. Approximatly one hour after you submit your application, you will receive an email from Business Uber to your MassBay email address to confirm your participation.
You may qualify for an income-eligible reduced fares card if you:
You’ll need to renew your eligibility every year.
The Youth Pass Program offers reduced fares to young adults with low income. The program is a partnership between the T and participating cities and towns.
Youth Pass CharlieCards can be loaded with:
Your card can also be used to purchase reduced monthly passes for Commuter Rail, Ferry, and Express Bus.
To schedule a one-on-one time with the specialist, Jenny Cavallerano, please visit:
Schedule with Jenny →
Students will be notified a few weeks into the semester.
Bicycle racks are provided throughout the MassBay Wellesley campus. Showers and lockers can be found at the Recreation and Wellness Center.