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Academic Probation & GPA Recovery

There are often many personal and situational factors that contribute to students’ academic performance. To assist students who have found themselves in academic probation, the Academic & Transfer Advising team have provided the Getting Back on Track advising program. Students are encouraged to reflect on their experiences through a survey and meet with their advisor.

Probation and Dismissal Policy

MassBay is committed to student success and assisting students in being accountable for engaging in the educational process. Academic standing is determined upon the completion of the academic terms (fall, spring) and is based on both current and prior academic performance. Academic standing can be an important indicator of progress and is used to assist with determining appropriate steps to help a student achieve educational goals.

Being in good academic standing is determined by having a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above. The cumulative GPA accounts for all credits attempted and earned at MassBay.

Academic standing is determined at the end of each semester. If a student fails to maintain the minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, they will be placed on probation and will receive a Probation Advising hold on their account. A notification letter from the Registrar’s Office will be sent, and you will be required to meet with the probation advisor and begin the recovery process.

At the end of the student’s next semester at MassBay, the Registrar’s Office will review the student’s record and take one of the following actions:

  1. A student is removed from academic probation if their cumulative GPA is at or above the minimum specified 2.0.
  2. A student is on continued academic probation if their cumulative GPA is below the minimum specified GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  3. A student is dismissed from the College if they do not demonstrate improvement in their academic performance and have been on academic probation for three consecutive semesters in a row. Dismissed students will not be able to enroll at MassBay until they successfully appeal their dismissal through the College Appeals Board.

Specific goals we will discuss are:

  • To reflect on your experiences that affected your academic performance
  • To identify your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to study skills and habits
  • To complete some preliminary exercises to address identified obstacles
  • To develop a success plan to help you return to good academic standing

Frequently Asked Questions

All students on academic probation at MassBay are assigned an academic advisor to discuss course selections for current and future semesters, as well as individual strategies and resources that will enable them to move towards improved academic performance. Students are required to complete the Back on Track Survey and meet with their assigned advisor in order to have their Probation Advising hold removed from their account. There is no deadline for completing the survey and advisor meeting, however, students will be unable to register for future semesters until it is completed.

You will need to meet with your academic advisor to determine your best path forward and customize a plan to meet your needs. Establishing a plan will allow you to focus on your academic success and take the first steps towards improving your cumulative GPA. To begin the probation recovery process, you will first need to complete the Back on Track Survey. This will be reviewed at your advising meeting.

Please provide honest answers to the questions on this self-assessment. Your answers will assist your academic advisor in identifying problem areas, as well as assist with creating a strategy for academic improvement.

You may continue to attend classes and attend many events/services that MassBay has to offer while on probation — including work-study. However, while on probation, you may not participate in extra-curricular activities, including athletics. In addition, you must immediately resign any position of responsibility, including the Student Government Association (SGA), Student Trustee, etc.

Financial aid eligibility is based on Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). See the MassBay Satisfactory Academic Progress policy for more information.

Academic Probation is strictly limited to your grade point average and has no effect on financial aid. However, because the academic standing criteria are similar for both Academic Probation and Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress, it is possible that you are in bad standing with both. If you are placed on Academic Probation, you should contact a Financial Aid specialist to discuss your aid situation.

There are many MassBay resources that students on academic probation should become familiar with and use as needed, including the following:

  1. Career Services
  2. Counseling Services
  3. Accessibility Resources Center
  4. Math + Science Center
  5. Reading + Writing Center
  6. Peer Tutoring Program
  7. Online Tutoring

Your GPA is a metric that measures your academic performance. In college, your GPA is often a major consideration for scholarships, financial aid eligibility, and program admission. When it comes to defining a good college GPA, the answer depends on your program and academic goals.

You must earn a cumulative 2.0 GPA to maintain good academic standing and stay on track to graduate. In addition, many undergraduate programs require you to hold a minimum GPA to gain admission. For many Massachusetts universities, you must maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher for transfer. This is also the case for selective admissions programs at MassBay, such as nursing.

Click here to learn more about how your GPA is calculated.

You can meet with your advisor in the virtual advising center or in person in the Academic Advising, Transfer, and Coaching Commons. If you have questions, you are encouraged to email your advisor directly or email the advising center at


The Advising team is here to help you through the academic probation process. Being on academic probation may seem like a setback, but it can also be an opportunity to grow as a student and connect to resources and campus support. If you have questions or concerns about academic probation, please contact your advisor or the advising center at