Madeleine Weaver
S-POWER | From MassBay Engineering to Carnegie Mellon Robotics
Christian Hardy
S-POWER | From MassBay Engineering to Lab Manager at Whirlpool
Steven Hopkins
S-POWER | From MassBay to Master's program in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University
Ernest Pellegrino
S-POWER | From MassBay Engineering student to UMass Lowell teaching assistant
Kelly Giudice
Student | The STEM Starter Academy gave me a sense of security
Olivia Sun
Alumni | From High School dropout to MassBay Psychology student
Reginald Pierre-Charles
Business Admin | Reggie is a major presence at MassBay.
Tyler Hatch
Alumni | MassBay Automotive Technology Alum, Tyler Hatch, working at a NASCAR race.
Carlos Oviedo
Alumni | From MassBay biotechnology with Dr. Nirmal Singh to Broad Institute