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Support + Resources

Childcare Assistance

The Childcare Assistance Program was jointly established in October 1992 by the Student Government Association and MassBay Community College. The Childcare Assistance Program provides an opportunity for eligible students to receive partial assistance for childcare services. Among other criteria, the childcare services must be provided by a Massachusetts state licensed childcare center or with a Massachusetts state licensed childcare provider. Contact Student Development directly for an application and complete description of the Childcare Assistance Program.

College Appeals Board

The College Appeals Board (CAB) provides an efficient and impartial means for responding to the following issues:

  • Eligibility to apply for Academic Readmission to the College

Requests for review of the College Appeals Board are obtained from Student Development. The College Appeals Board does not consider inquiries handled via the Student Grievance Process, Grade Appeal Process, the College Judicial Board, and the Affirmative Action Officer. Please refer to the MassBay Student Handbook regarding this information.

Complaint/Grievance Process

The Student Grievance Procedure may be used by a student to address complaints concerning the alleged abridgment of the student's rights, as stated in the College's Student Handbook. Before invoking the Student Grievance Procedure, a reasonable effort shall be made by those involved in a dispute to resolve it amicably. A dispute is most effectively handled and resolved by those closest to the problem, having the best understanding of the issues, and having the ability to formulate a mutually acceptable resolution. Therefore, it is in the best interest of the student, the potential subject of a grievance, and the College to resolve disputes through open and cooperative dialogue. Only when such efforts are unsuccessful should the Student Grievance Procedure be invoked. Throughout all phases of the Student Grievance Procedure, all reasonable efforts shall be made to maintain confidentiality in accordance with applicable law. Contact an Associate Dean of Students at the Office of Student Development directly to initiate an official grievance.


The Student Grievance Procedure may not be used for complaints alleging sexual harassment or discrimination. When a student believes that s/he has been discriminated against due to his/her race, creed, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information or national origin, the College's Affirmative Action Grievance Procedure is a mechanism for resolution. The College’s Affirmative Action Officer is the Director of Equity Compliance.


Student Conduct Reports

Please use the appropriate incident reporting form to report an These forms should not be used in a situation that requires immediate attention.

File for Violation of Student Conduct Policy here


Food Resources

Hunger should never be an obstacle to success. That’s why MassBay has partnered with the Greater Boston Food Bank, Food for Free, and Daniel’s Table to help support members of our community who do not have enough to eat.

Find out more on Food Resources page!


THE Textbook & ENRICHMENT Fund

In response to escalating textbook costs, the Student Government Association at MassBay Community College established a student Textbook & Enrichment Fund. Funds are limited and will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters. SGA will open the Textbook Fund Application two (2) weeks prior to the first day of classes for the Fall and spring Semester. All students will recevie an email sent to their MassBay email address on the day it opens. SGA will review the applications and all students will be notified by the first Friday of the semester if they are selected to receive funds.

Apply for the Textbook Fund HERE →


Voter Registration

Each educational institution that receives federal funding must make a good faith effort to distribute mail voter registration forms to students. Voter registration forms are available in the Office of the Registrar and the Office of Student Development.


Student Suicide Prevention Protocol

The College recognizes that a student’s physical, behavioral, and emotional health is an integral component of a student’s academic success at the College. The purpose of the protocol is to protect the health and well-being of all students by having procedures in place to identify, assess the risk of, intervene in, and respond to suicidal behavior. The policy is activated when the College has actual knowledge that a student is actively engaged in suicidal behavior, has previously engaged in suicidal behavior while enrolled at the College or recently before matriculation, or has stated plans or intentions to commit suicide. A student who engages in any of these behaviors may be required to comply with the College’s Re-Entry Policy before being permitted to resume classes. The Student Suicide Prevention Protocol is administered by the Dean of Student’s Office.