All offices, libraries, gym, computer labs, are open for in-person activities, as well as many classes and labs, please consult the web page for the office or class before you visit.
Read the Student Resources page for Info about Advising, Housing, etc. →
Have a good year! Many school offices are open for extended hours. See the Student Technology tutorials to find your password, email, Blackboard class materials and forums access, and more. If you need resources, including food and housing, see Student Support Quick Links.
MassBay has free parking at all locations. Framingham and Wellesley campus are both accessible by public transit.
Learn about how to get to MassBay. How to drive, where to park, and public transportation, including free shuttle service.
Get a OneCard for printing and for free shuttle and Uber service! Extended hours first two weeks of class including Saturdays! Just go to the Wellesley Hills campus Cafeteria!