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Sunny Cunningham | Vice President of Public Relations

Sunny Cunningham Office Hours: TBD


Duties: to communicate to the members of the other SGA committees, keep the campus community and faculty informed of SGA related events and actions, be responsible for the MassBay SGA social media accounts and use them to update the public on SGA activities and promote events

Hometown: I moved every year as a kid so who knows what counts as my hometown. But I did live in Scotland for 10 years!

Major: Business Admin

Clubs and Interests: Next Step in Business club and SGA. I am interested in accounting and marketing!

Fun fact: A fun fact about me is that I also work at the college!

Why I joined SGA: Massbay has given me so much so far and I really wanted to give back and be even more apart of the community so I joined the SGA!